Puppy Shack

Welcome to the Puppy Shack! (Kittens welcome too) This is a site for my family and friends to see what I am up too, share our stories and keep in touch.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Happy New Year - 2007 is going to be AWESOME!

Well, it is officially 2007 and I pretty much missed the first week of it! Wow was chemo #2 hard. I have been told that as I go along on this cancer roller coaster, it is going to get harder but my second session of chemo literally knocked me off my feet.

I noticed a change right away as the chemo made me feel sick before I had even finished the IV and left the Cancer Clinic. Where as I went shopping after chemo number 1, this time, I went straight to bed where I pretty much stayed until today. I had moments of such exhaustion that just sitting up was too much effort. It seems ridiculous but I can't get over how tired I was.

However, today I am up and about which is awesome. I already started to feel better yesterday which was nice so I know that I am back on the road of getting on my feet.

I am still dealing with many of the side effects such as numbness in my fingers and toes and a little bit of nausea. The nausea is caused mainly from me doing too much which causes me to get dizzy which results in me not feeling well. In other words, I am the most amazing couch potato these days. My taste buds only changed for a couple of days which was good however, this time around I have had a lot more stomach pain. This is something we will have to address the next time I visit my oncologist.

Well, that is all for now. Happy New Year everyone.


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