Puppy Shack

Welcome to the Puppy Shack! (Kittens welcome too) This is a site for my family and friends to see what I am up too, share our stories and keep in touch.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Whoohooo.... I'm half way there!!!

Can you believe it, I'm half way done with my chemo!! What a good feeling.

This last chemo seems to have been a bit better than round two. I am already back on my feet and feeling fairly normal. Aerin was my nurse and she did a most amazing job. With my "special" taste buds, Aerin managed to find things that tasted good and did a wonderful job keeping my fridge stocked with tea.

Aerin and I enjoyed a few days of pre-chemo fun where I was feeling terrific. We wandered down west 4th and had a great time looking at all the neat stores. For 2 days after chemo I was still feeling well enough to get out and about but not well enough to do the walking. The solution: hello courtesy wheelchairs in Costco and the Malls!!! I wasn't up to being out long but it was still fun to be pushed around and be able to go out with my friends.

About 3 days after chemo the drugs really took effect and Aerin was introduced to the very exciting wet noodle version of me. She got me through it like a pro and here I sit a day after she has gone home feeling very close to normal.

I am still having some pain and as a result will be having an early CT scan next Wednesday. This should give them some idea how I am progressing with the treatments and if it is the ulcer or the cancer that is causing me pain. I am glad they are investigating this right away. No more sitting around and waiting for me, this girl is going to scream at the top of her lungs if she has too. I'm not going to be ignored any more!

Well, so ends my update. I will post again soon.
Later alligators,
Heidje Mac

Monday, January 08, 2007

Happy New Year - 2007 is going to be AWESOME!

Well, it is officially 2007 and I pretty much missed the first week of it! Wow was chemo #2 hard. I have been told that as I go along on this cancer roller coaster, it is going to get harder but my second session of chemo literally knocked me off my feet.

I noticed a change right away as the chemo made me feel sick before I had even finished the IV and left the Cancer Clinic. Where as I went shopping after chemo number 1, this time, I went straight to bed where I pretty much stayed until today. I had moments of such exhaustion that just sitting up was too much effort. It seems ridiculous but I can't get over how tired I was.

However, today I am up and about which is awesome. I already started to feel better yesterday which was nice so I know that I am back on the road of getting on my feet.

I am still dealing with many of the side effects such as numbness in my fingers and toes and a little bit of nausea. The nausea is caused mainly from me doing too much which causes me to get dizzy which results in me not feeling well. In other words, I am the most amazing couch potato these days. My taste buds only changed for a couple of days which was good however, this time around I have had a lot more stomach pain. This is something we will have to address the next time I visit my oncologist.

Well, that is all for now. Happy New Year everyone.